About Us
General Rules & Protocols for all Club Waters, Riparian Areas, and Facilities Unless Otherwise Specified.
The right of admission is reserved, failure to abide by the Club’s rules can result in immediate eviction and termination of membership.
  • The Gubu Dam clubhouse and camping on the clubhouse grounds are only available to paid-up members and their hosted (i.e. member-accompanied) guests. ALL non-member visitors, regardless of their relationship with the HOST member, are required to pay for accommodation, see the Rates tab for the costs. Non-member interest or activity groups (e.g. other fishing clubs, school groups, event groups, social groups, etc.) may request use of the clubhouse by sending an e-mail to admin@affc.co.za.


  • Any member or member-group leader visiting the Gubu Dam clubhouse grounds is required to obtain a key for which a refundable deposit must be paid (R200). Such person will also be required to sign a register for said key and such person will be held responsible for any transgression of the Club rules or any damage to Club property by the said member or member’s group. Should any accidental damage be caused it must be reported to the bailiffs.


  • Club or water-authority bailiffs, AFFC club members, forestry staff, municipal staff, or community members can request any user of Club waters or Club facilities to present proof of membership or rod/accommodation tickets.


  • Members have three months' grace period to renew their membership, after the 31st of August, the joining fee will apply.


  • Remove ALL (!) refuse from the clubhouse and Club grounds on departure, including firewood bags, bottles, cigarette butts, candle wax, etc. Littering of any form will evoke immediate termination of membership.


  • Smoking inside Club buildings/confined spaces (e.g. braai areas) is unlawful and strictly prohibited. Repeat: remove and adequately dispose of all cigarette butts regardless of the location.


  • The playing of loud music is not permitted, irrespective of location.


  • Drunken, disorderly, poor, or obnoxious behaviour of any form may result in immediate membership termination.


  • The clubhouse must be thoroughly cleaned and tidied before departure. This includes: cleaning out fireplaces (ash to be dumped in the designated pit at the kitchen drain); cleaning the kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms, all dirty dishes, etc. Repeat: take all rubbish whatsoever home with you or bad fishing luck will haunt you forevermore.


  • Fishing on Club waters is open to all paid-up members. Non-member anglers are required to purchase daily rod tickets, see the Rates tab for the costs. Note, Mnyameni Dam requires a separate rod ticket to that required for Gubu and Maden Dams.


  • All watercraft are permitted but only electric, non-combustion motors are allowed. If fishing from a watercraft, be courteous to bank and wading anglers, always ask if you wish to approach closer than 50m.


  • Only conventional fly fishing equipment is permitted. Squashed barbs/barbless hooks are encouraged.


  • No brown trout may be killed.


  • At Gubu and Maden Dams, Club members may keep four rainbow trout per day, and non-member, rod-ticket holders, two rainbow trout per day. The minimum size for kept rainbow trout is 40cm. Repeat: brown trout are no-kill.


  • The Mnyameni Dam fishery is 100% no-kill, regardless of rainbow or brown trout.


  • If using the Gubu Dam clubhouse, fill out the fishing register located on the clubhouse kitchen counter. The information is important to better manage the fisheries.


  • Due to the fire risk to commercial forests, fires, gas-fired braais, camping stoves, etc. are only permitted at designated camping/accommodation sites and fireplaces. When cleaning the Gubu Dam clubhouse, dump fireplace ash ONLY in the designated pit nearby the kitchen drain.


  • At Gubu Dam, land access (vehicle, cycle, foot, etc.) to the forestry road network along the eastern areas of the dam and the roads along the northwestern areas, beyond the campsite, are prohibited without a forestry permit. A permit is obtainable from the head of security at the Amathole Forestry Company, Mr. Ian Taylor, he can be contacted on 083 251 2145.


  • Help police our waters, engage other anglers in a friendly manner, and ask if they are Club members or day-ticket holders, request to see their paperwork. Report guilty-party names and/or vehicle registration numbers to admin@affc.co.za.


  • Unless carrying a valid access permit, off-road bikes, quad bikes, etc. are not permitted on any forestry roads or off-road trails. Invasive joy-riding of any sort will not be tolerated.


  • Gubu Dam and the clubhouse area are part of a conservancy and there is a general no-dogs policy. However, tentative, case-by-case leniency is granted in the cases of extremely well-behaved/trained dogs (small breeds) who are kept in check at all times, do not disturb wildlife in any way, and whose presence does not infringe in any way whatsoever on the enjoyment of other users of the facilities.


  • Report illegal hunting (e.g. poaching with dogs) and any other suspicious activity or security issue immediately, day or night, to the head of security at the Amathole Forestry Company, Mr. Ian Taylor, on 083 251 2145.
The Gubu Dam clubhouse provides rustic, self-catering accommodation, and one is only required to bring one’s bedding, food, and firewood.
The Gubu Dam clubhouse is only available to paid-up members and their hosted (i.e. member-accompanied) guests. ALL non-member visitors, regardless of their relationship with the HOST member are required to pay for accommodation, see the Rates tab for the costs. Non-member interest or activity groups (e.g. other fishing clubs, school groups, event groups, social groups, etc.) may request use of the clubhouse by sending an e-mail to admin@affc.co.za.
See some other nearby accommodation options listed below.


The Shire Eco Lodge:
Telephone: 043 683 2452
Mobile: 072 364 8077
Email: rob@shire.co.za
Website: www.shire.co.za
Carros Guest House:
Telephone: 043 683 2591
Mobile: 082 563 0080
Email: schenk@hazeldean.co.za
Website: www.carros.co.za
Eagle’s Ridge Country House:
Telephone: 043 683 2381
Mobile: 082 774 8770
Email: info@eaglesridge.co.za
Website: www.eaglesridge.co.za


Amatola Wild Trout Flyfishing’s Cata Lodge:
Mrs. Mboso
Mobile: 060 334 5252
As of 1 June 2024.


The following accommodation, camping, and fishing rates refer to NON-MEMBERS only. Paid-up club members have free access to all fishing and facilities. Note, that accommodation is only available to non-members who are accompanied by at least one HOST member. Non-member interest or activity groups (e.g. other fishing clubs, school groups, event groups, social groups, etc.) may request use of the clubhouse by sending an e-mail to admin@affc.co.za.
Gubu clubhouse accommodation tickets and rod tickets for all waters are available at the club bailiff’s house at Gubu Dam, at Target Line (3 Bell Rd., Vincent, E.L. / 043 726 4496), or from Rob Scott at The Shire Eco Lodge (Stutterheim / 072 364 8077).
Accommodation Fees @ Gubu Dam Clubhouse (available to member-accompanied guests only) = R150 PP/PN, for 4-12 years of age is R75, and under 4 years of age is free.
Camping Fees @ Gubu Dam Clubhouse grounds (includes the use of clubhouse facilities, but is available to member-accompanied guests only) = R100 PP/PN, for 4-12 years of age is R50, and under 4 years of age is free.
Rod Tickets (available to anyone, fly fishing only) = R200 PP/PD, but R150 if PURCHASED AFTER 13:00 for the respective day, for under 12 years of age is 50%. The standard rod ticket covers Gubu and Maden Dams only, Mnyameni Dam requires a Mnyameni-only rod ticket.
Electricity tokens for the Gubu clubhouse = R100.
Gubu clubhouse refundable gate key deposit = R200 (key obtainable from club bailiff’s house @ Gubu Dam only).


Boats available for members @ Gubu Dam (bring own battery and electric motor), refundable deposit = R200
For membership costs see the membership payment form and/or to apply for AFFC membership, the membership application form, all downloadable under the Membership tab.
Applying to join the Amatola Fly Fishing Club (AFFC) is open to all, but space is limited and there is a vetting process designed to better ensure that new members will uphold the principles and rules of the club and always act in the Club’s best interests and in a manner consistent with the use of shared resources and the opportunities afforded us by the authorities, communities, landowners, and others upon whose goodwill we depend.


Members enjoy free access to fly fishing at Gubu, Maden, and Mnyameni Dams and the respective self-catering accommodation. There is a once-off joining fee. Annual subs vary depending on one’s age and traveling distance from Gubu Dam. New membership subs are calculated on a pro-rata basis for new members joining more than a month after the 31st May financial year-end.


To apply for membership consideration, download the relevant PDF form below, fill it out, answer ALL the questions, and e-mail it to admin@affc.co.za. Once your application has been received, you will be contacted in due course. Please do not make membership payments until you’ve received a positive reply. Kindly be patient though, as the chairman and committee are all volunteers.



Paying your subs:
Download the form below to pay your joining or renewal subscription fee/s. Complete the form and then e-mail it, together with a POP, to admin@affc.co.za. You will receive a membership certificate in due course. Your POP receipt is a valid temporary membership document should you want to use AFFC facilities before receiving your membership certificate.


Download the MEMBERSHIP PAYMENT form (2024-25): CLICK HERE